How To Make Your First ClickBank Sale
I’m getting tired of seeing a lot of people struggling to make money online and it does make me feel sad. I know how it feel and even though I’ am not making a fortune right now - only making at least 20 bucks a day right now.Here is what you will learn from this post:
- The easiest way you can use to make money right now.
- The tools you need to make money right now.
- More resources to help you get there.
You will need to work and put efforts into this to make it work. Don’t give up if you don’t see result right away - might take as little as 7 days to start making $20-$50 bucks a day.
I honestly do post almost everything I know about making money online on my blog most of the time. You probably read something similar before on my older post but read it anyway and take it seriously.
The Method To Making Money Online Fast
I’ am going to show you how you can use Article Marketing or Bum Marketing effectively to make money fast. Please understand that Bum Marketing is talked a lot and many heard it over and over again…but many aren’t doing it right. We will be using Bum Marketing to promote affiliate products.
The Steps To Making Money Online Fast
A. Product Research
The important thing here is that you promote what you believe in and are knowledgeable in. You must first pick a niche that you are interested in and head over to Clickbank. I recommend Clickbank because they are very easy to use and pay very high commission.
To make it easier for you to follow - I will do an example and use images as I explain these steps. Lets cover some basic about Clickbank before we start:
This is where you will search for products to promote. There are many categories and options to choose from but just choose a category and press Go:
You can also see the stats for a product under each product: The 2 stats that you want to keep focus on is the “grav” and “$/sale” because the “grav” tell how popular it is and the “$/sale” tell you how much you make for each sale.
1. Browse to the CB Marketplace and choose one product. You need to check how much you make per sale and its popularity - choose one with a gravity of around 100 and pay you at least $30 for each sale. Click “create hoplink” under the product to create your affiliate link and write it down.
I decided to choose FatLoss4 Idiots because you can see in the picture just above that it has a very high gravity and pay very well. I also happen to know that this site convert very well because I’m promoting it
2. Now you need to check the stats for that product to see how well it is performing over at CB Trend. CB Trend allow you to check how well that product is performing in many ways.
Here is a perfect example of a good performing product:
- Popularity. It is important that the popularity is high.
- Gravity. Gravity is a way to tell how well the product is selling - higher mean better selling.
- Referred. A climbing trend on this indicate that many affiliates are promoting the product, which mean that it is selling very well and making big money.
B. Keyword Research
I honestly do not know a lot about keyword research but here is all that I do. This step is very simple and I recommend you use GoodKeyword if you cannot afford Keyword Elite - which I use and love it I really recommend that you download Good Keyword since it is free and work very well. When using the keyword tool:
1. Do a search on your main keyword. Please choose keywords that have a search of at least 100 times a day and 3000 a month. Since my product is about weight loss…I will do a search on weight loss and then pick longer tail from the results because the word “weight loss” is very competitive.
2. Pick around 10-20 of these long-tail keywords and write them down. So I decided to pick the following for my keyword list instead of weight loss because it is just too broad and not targeted (just fake example):
- fast weight loss solution
- quick weight loss system
- total weight loss program
- extreme weight loss fast
Remember to keep these keyword in a spreadsheet and keep it organize. You should have at least 20 keywords or even more because we will need it later.
C. Making The Money
Finally we can make some money. Now that we have our keywords and profitable product…we promote it using Bum Marketing. We will be using only Ezinesarticle. The reason I chose only Ezinesarticle is because I know that people actually do click my URL on articles I write.
IMPORTANT: You need to buy a domain for a redirect because no affiliate link is allow on Ezinesarticle. I recommend you get it at Namecheap for only less than 10 bucks.
All you need to do now is write your article for each set of keyword. Choose one keyword and insert it as many times into your articles as possible while making it look real.
Let me show you an example:
1. Choose a set of keyword. I will choose “fast weight solution” and write an article surrounding that keyword. I will write my article normally but include “fast weight solution” in it many times.
2. Write the article. I will use “fast weight solution” in my article title and article body many times. I will not stuff that keyword into my article like I’m writing for search engine.
I will make it look real and try to repeat it about 10 times depending on my article lenght. I usually keep my articles word counts at only 300 words.
3. I will optimize my article. I want people to be clicking on my affiliate link. I have already written an article about this topic so please read it at Optimize Article Marketing.
D. Helpful Tips To Save Time and Money
I recommend you use other people articles to rewrite and submit or to gather ideas. I don’t think this is unethical at all and if you think it is then do not read this part.
Here is how you do it:
1. Go to Ezinesarticle and do a search on the topic of the article you are writing. Open 3 more tabs and do the same thing again at Ezinesarticle.
2. Open up Word and paste one of the articles into it. Open the other 2 tabs with those other similar articles to use as resources.
3. Use those 2 other articles and any knowledge you have to add or remove from that first article. This will make that article totally unique and no sign of duplicate content. You will get suspended if you write duplicate content for Ezinesarticle.
D. Conclusion
I am making money doing this right now and it work very well. I recommend you submit 1 article a day to Ezinesarticle only and alway optimize your articles.
If you want really really quick result…write 10 articles a day using the rewriting tips I gave you. Please be persistent and don’t give up if you don’t see result quickly. You will start to see sales within 2 weeks of doing this if you submit at least 2 articles a day