Sunday, August 10, 2008

Selling Downloads on eBay

Selling digital goods on popular auction sites is a great way to market your product to a purchase-minded audience. Digital goods provide the added benefit of instant satisfaction through immediate product delivery making them very attractive to consumers. You should review the eBay Digital Item FAQ before listing your item. If you do not have, or do not want an eBay account, you can list your item for sale in the PayLoadz eBay Store.

UPDATE 3/31/2008: eBay has changed the policy regarding the Digital Goods listing flow which prevents sellers from using this flow to sell digital goods via Auction or Fixed Price. However, they do not state that digital goods cannot be sold using the normal auction listing process. In this case, the directions below still apply for the most part. The differences will be that there is no entry for a delivery URL. We suggest that sellers provide the Order lookup URL ( in their auction description. The key to keeping the delivery functioning when using the standard auction listing format is to ensure that the item name in the PayLoadz system and auction title match exactly.

You can use PayLoadz to immediately deliver your digital goods on auction sites like eBay. To do so, simply follow the instructions below.

Note: The instructions stated below describe auction setup using eBay. However, you can follow these instructions for other auction sites as well.
- PayLoadz account
- PayPal Business or Premiere account
- Auction Site account


Step 1: Get Item Name from your Payloadz Account
In order for our system to know which one of your products to deliver, you need to use information from our web site in your auction.

You must copy the exact Item Name as you have it entered in our system and use that as your auction title. this will allow our system to track which item you sold in the auction. You can obtain the Item Name from the product details page. In the example below, you would enter "Widget" as the auction title (without the quotes).

Step 2: Log into eBay
Log into your ebay account or
register for an eBay account if you do not already have one.

Step 3: Navigate to create listing

- Click on the
My eBay link
- Click on the
Selling tab
- Scroll down to the Selling-Related Links
- Click on "
Sell Your Item" link under the "Managing your auctions" section.

Step 4: Choose Fixed-Price Auction and Auction Category
Choosing the Auction Type
On the first page choose the "Sell at a Fixed Price" option and click "Continue". You can choose the normal Online Auction if you like, just be sure that you have Price Checking disabled in your PayLoadz profile.

Note: To use BUY IT NOW, eBay users need to have an ID VERIFIED account or feedback of 10 or higher on that account. International Note: ID Verify is available to US residents only, not International.

Auction Category
Choose the appropriate category for your item on the next page and click "Continue".

Step 5: Enter listing title and description information
Enter the Item Name you copied from the PayLoadz web site into the Item Title field. this will ensure that our system tracks the auction properly after payment has been made.

Enter an Item description in the text field. You can enter anything you like, but it should include a rights notice that says you are the authorized copyright owner of the item. Below is an example of this notice:

Rights Notice
For copyright holders, you may want to post a notice inside of your product description regarding ownership of copyright. This helps tell eBay that you own the product and have rights to sell it. Below is an example description:

RIGHTS: "eBay Username" is the eBay profile name for . is the rights holder for this download product. Therefore, the download file is an authorized version for sale and distribution.

Below is an example of the eBay page this information is entered:

Step 6: Specify your auction as a digital item auction
IeBay tracks digital good downloads differently than normal auctions. To have your item tracked as a digital good, click on the "List as a digital file or information" link found on the same page you entered the title and description. The following fields will appear. Fill them out as completely as possible, then click continue.

Note: You are required to enter the following items when listing a digital good:

Note: The option to list your item as a digital good is limited to certain countries. However, our system will still deliver the file properly if you follow the other steps in the process carefully. You do not actually need to specify the item as a digital good, but it makes the process a little more seamless. If you do not have the option to list the item as a digital good, please put the Order Lookup URL in your auction description using the following:

Retreiving your Purchase Download: If you have purchased or won this item, please visit the following URL to retreive your item:

Step 7: Enter item details
In the item details page, enter an amount for quantity to ensure you do not sell out of your digital item (ex. 100) and a price for your item. Note: Be sure to set this amount to the amount listed at PayLoadz if using the Price Checking feature in your PayLoadz account.

Click "Continue" when finished.

Step 8: Set payment and file delivery options
Setting payment option to require immediate payment via PayPal
In order to provide immediate and instant delivery for your auction, you need to require immediate payment to be made through PayPal when the customer clicks on the "Buy It Now" link. To enable this feature, you need to enter your PayPal email address as entered in your PayLoadz profile in the form field next to "PayPal - payment will go to". Then, you will need to turn on "Require immediate payment through PayPal for Buy It Now" by checking the box to the left. Once clicked the page will update automatically to look like the second image below.

IMPORTANT: The Payment Email you enter in your eBay auction MUST be the same as your PRIMARY PayPal Email Address, and the same as the email listed in your PayLoadz profile.

Specify the file delivery option
You need to specify a location where the customer will go to download their item after purchase. You should enter the PayLoadz Order Lookup page which is located at: After payment, the customer will be sent to that address and using information from their PayPal payment receipt, they can retrieve their order from our system. The eBay page below show example information:

Click "Continue" when all of the information has been entered.

Step 9: Confirm and Submit listing
Review the information entered for your auction and Submit your listing to make it live.